
Status for offisiell FCI-godkjenning for yakutian laika

Rasen yakutian laika er foreløpig kun midlertidig godkjent hos FCI og det har lenge vært uklart om når rasen vil kunne forventes å bli endelig godkjent. Dette er en prosess som ligger utenfor Norsk Polarhundklubb, men som det jobbes aktivt med fra den Russiske raseklubben. Teksten under er hentet fra et innlegg av Stanislav Gordilov, visepresident for den russiske raseklubben og styreleder for RKF Standards Commission.

When will the breed be officially recognized? Is it possible that the breed will not pass the "probationary period"? 

Our target is the year 2029, which marks the end of the "quarantine period" during which FCI evaluates how our breed is developing and how it is being accepted worldwide. From this year, the country of origin has the right to apply to FCI for permanent recognition of the breed.

The word "application" sounds simple, but in reality, it is a presentation that includes a large amount of statistical data and illustrations. The application is reviewed by the FCI Scientific Commission, then the Standards Commission, and then forwarded to the General Committee, which makes a preliminary decision based on the results. This decision is then passed on to the FCI General Assembly for consideration, which convenes every few years. The country of origin, Russia, must make a presentation of the breed at this assembly, and the decision will be made by a vote of all FCI member countries.

Throughout the period until 2029, the breed's involvement by breed clubs from different countries, breeders, and enthusiasts worldwide is important, as well as the participation of Yakutian Laikas in major FCI events such as EDS, WDS, and the most prestigious CACIBs of FCI member countries. I assess this process as positive. WDS-2023 gathered 38 Yakutian Laikas, and I believe that this number will continue to be maintained or even grow.

Of all the regions where FCI is present, the smallest number of dogs are in Asia and the Caribbean countries. But everyone understands that there is their own specific nature.

Returning to the application, the NBC YL already has positive experience in preparing such voluminous information. Now we have to gather it all again because the breed is evolving and changing. I appeal to all responsible breeders who keep track of their graduates. Collect information, collect quality photographs: all of this may be needed.

So, I want to emphasize once again that recognition is not an automatic process. Sometimes breeds miss their designated consideration period and exist as temporarily recognized for 15-20 years. Of course, this is not our path; we strive for full recognition and will continue to make efforts in this direction. Especially since we have already done it once!

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